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Briery Baya loam-filled bay in S Columbus County.
Briery Hall Pointa point of land in central Dare County near the NW end of South Lake and its junction with Alligator River.
Briery Runrises in N Lenoir County and flows E into Stonyton Creek.
Briery Swamprises in N Pitt County and flows SE into Tranters Creek.
Briggs Hollowvalley in central Avery County.
Briggsvillecommunity in SE Madison County served by post office, 1887-1907.
Brightcommunity in N Polk County on Lake Adger, Green River.
Bright Yellow MountainSee Big Yellow Mountain.
Brights Creekrises in NW Polk County and flows SE into Green River.
Brights Mill CreekSee Mill Creek.