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Gouches Branchrises in SW Buncombe County near Bert Mountain and flows NE into New-found Creek.
Gouge Branchrises N of Gouge Mountain in SE Mitchell County and flows NW into Toe River.
Gouge Knobcentral Mitchell County at the head of Rebel Creek.
Gouge MountainSE Mitchell County.
Gouges Creekrises in E Mitchell County and flows SE into North Toe River.
Gouges Creekrises in N Mitchell County and flows S into Little Rock Creek.
Gouldcommunity in S Gaston County served by post office, 1888-1902.
Gouldscommunity in SW Wilkes County on Yadkin River at the mouth of Stony Fork Creek. Named for Andy Gould, who operated a mill on Stony Fork Creek.
Goulds Forkrises in SW Anson County and flows N into Brown Creek.
Gourdvine Creekrises in E Union County and flows NW into Richardson's Creek.