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Locust Tree Branchrises in W Macon County and flows SE into Wyah Creek.
Locust Tree Gapcentral Macon County between Bruce Knob and Wilkes Knob.
Locust Tree GapW Macon County at the head of Locust Tree Branch.
Lodocommunity in W Mecklenburg County served by post office, 1884-1903. Was located on the Charlotte and Atlanta Railroad at the Steele Creek station.
Loftins Crossroadscommunity in E Lenoir County. Named for the Loftin family, which settled there.
LoftisSee Cedar Mountain.
Log Hollow Branchrises in N Transylvania County and flows SE into Big Bear Pen Branch.
Log Shoalin the waters of Pamlico Sound, S Dare County, off the S part of Hatteras Island and E of Bird Islands.
Logancommunity in N central Rutherford County. Named for a local storekeeper; the post office est. prior to 1882 but now discontinued was Logans Store.
Logan Creekrises in S Jackson County and flows S into Horsepasture River.