North Carolina Gazetteer browse

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Long Branchrises near the E border of Vance County and flows NE into W Warren County, where it enters Matthews Creek.
Long Branchrises in central Wake County and flows S into Marsh Creek.
Long Branchrises in S Warren County and flows E into Fishing Creek.
Long Branchrises in E Watauga County and flows S into Southwest Stony Fork Creek.
Long Branchrises in N Watauga County and flows SW into Cove Creek.
Long Branchrises in S Watauga County and flows SE into Caldwell County, where it enters China Creek. Approx. 1 mi. long.
Long Branchrises in central Wilkes County and flows SE into Mulberry Creek.
Long Branchrises in SW Wilson County and flows SE into Black Creek.
Long Branchrises in E Yancey County and flows NW into South Toe River.
Long Branchrises in N Yancey County and flows NE into Cane River.