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Lees MillsSee Roper.
Lees Mills Townshipcentral Washington County, was formed in 1868 but was a voting precinct before that time.
Lees Pointextends from W Carteret County into White Oak River.
Lees TownshipSE Columbus County.
LeesburgSee Willard.
Leesvilleformer community in S Robeson County between Hog Swamp and Oldfield Swamp. A post office existed there from ca. 1816 to 1900. The name is still used in the county with reference to the general area.
Leesvillecommunity in NW Wake County on head of Lower Bartons Creek. Named for John Lee, who first settled there about 1800. Alt. 300.
Leesville TownshipNW Wake County.
Left Forkrises in NE Buncombe County and flows SE into Beetree Reservoir.
Left Fork Bean Creekrises in N Mitchell County and flows SE to join Right Fork Bean Creek in forming Bean Creek.