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Lippard Creekrises in S Catawba County and flows SW into Lincoln County, where it joins Sawmill Creek in forming Leepers Creek.
Lisboncommunity in S central Bladen County, was the plantation of Col. John Slingsby, Tory commander at the Battle of Elizabethtown, at which he was fatally wounded.
Lisbonformer community in S Sampson County at the junction of Six Runs Creek and Coharie River where Black River is formed. Authorized to be laid out on the land of Jesse Peacock in 1785 and named Lisburn, probably for the town of the same name in Northern Ireland, birthplace of Hugh Waddell (1734?-1773), colonial soldier. Authorized to be resurveyed in 1824, when it was called Lisbon. A post office est. there as early as 1833 and named Lisborne operated as Lisbon as late as 1882.
Lisbon TownshipS central Sampson County.
LisburnSee Lisbon.
Lisenbee Branchrises in N Madison County and flows S into Spillcorn Creek.
Lisenbee Ridgecentral Madison County, extends SW approx. 1½ mi. between Heck Creek and Bee Branch.
Lisenberry MountainNE Rutherford County between First Broad River and Duncans Creek. It is said that carpetbaggers lived in a cave there during the Reconstruction period following the Civil War.
LishaSee Elisha Creek.
Liskcommunity in SE Rowan County served by post office, 1890-1906.