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Piney Creek TownshipNW Alleghany County.
Piney Creek TownshipN central Ashe County.
Piney Field TopE Haywood County between Pisgah Creek and Hungry Creek.
Piney Forkcommunity in central Rockingham County. Historically African American; named for local church.
Piney Fork Creekrises in SW Alleghany County and flows SW into E Ashe County, where it joins Mulberry Creek in forming Cranberry Creek.
Piney Greencommunity in central Onslow County between Wallace and Mott Creeks near the main gate of Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Air Station. An early post office and on the stage route from New Bern to Wilmington. Takes its name from the last eighteenth-century plantation of Joseph Marshall.
Piney Greencommunity in N Sampson County.
Piney Grovecommunity in NE Caldwell County.
Piney Grovecommunity in E Wayne County near the mouth of Walnut Creek in Neuse River. Named for a local church.
Piney GroveSee Pino.