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PorcelainSee Linville.
Pores KnobS Wilkes County, the highest peak in the Brushy Mountains. Alt. 2,680. Named for Moses Poore, an eighteenth-century resident. Appears on the Collet map, 1770, as Mt. Night. See also Brushy Mountains.
Pores Knobcommunity in S Wilkes County near the peak of the same name. Name changed at one time to Fruitland and to East Fruitland, but the original name was soon restored.
Pork CreekSee Fork Creek.
Porpoise PointNE Pamlico County on the E side of Goose Creek Island between Big Porpoise Bay and Little Porpoise Bay.
Port FernandoSee Hatorask Inlet.
Port Grenvilappears on the White map, 1590, as an inlet through Ocracoke Island a short distance N of the community of Ocracoke, SE Hyde County. Named for Sir Richard Grenville. Appears as "Greenevills Rode" on the Smith map, 1624. There is some doubt that such an inlet actually existed, though it may have been at what is now known as Nigh Inlet, which see.
Port LandingSee Fort Landing.
Port Lanean inlet from the Atlantic Ocean into Roanoke Sound through Bodie Island opposite the SE shore of Roanoke Island, E Dare County. Opened prior to 1585 and closed prior to 1657.
Portercommunity in SE Stanly County. Named for an official of the railroad.