Dalrymple, John |
Dalton, John Thomas |
Daly, John Augustin |
Damage from Hurricane Floyd |
Damtoft, Walter Julius |
Dan River Steam Navigation Company |
Dance |
Dancy, Frank Battle |
Dancy, John Campbell, Jr. |
Daniel Boone Trail Marker |
Daniel, John Reeves Jones |
Daniel, Joseph John |
Daniel, Junius |
Daniel, Robert |
Daniel, Robert Thomas |
Daniels, Charles Cleaves |
Daniels, Frank Arthur |
Daniels, Jonathan Worth |
Daniels, Josephus |
Darby, John Fletcher |
Darden, Mills (or Miles) |
Darden, William Abram |
Dare County |
Dare, Ananias |
Dare, Eleanor White |
Dare, Virginia |
Dargan, Edmund Spann (or Strother) |
Dargan, Olive Tilford |
Darnell, William Nelson |
Darr, Edward Austin |
Darst, Thomas Campbell |
Dashed Hopes for the Frontier |
Dauge (Dozier), Peter |
Daughters of the American Revolution |
Daughtridge, Elijah Longstreet |
Davenport College |