Hillsborough Academy |
Hilton, Ernest Auburn |
Hilton, William |
Hines, Lovit |
Hines, Peter Evans |
Hines, Richard |
Hinsdale, John Wetmore |
Hinton, Charles Lewis |
Hinton, James |
Hinton, John |
Hinton, John |
Hinton, Mary Hilliard |
Hippopotamus Statue |
Historic Preservation |
Historical Collections |
Historical Commission |
Historical Markers |
Historical Societies |
Histories Part 1: Introduction |
Histories Part 2: Colonial and State Records and the First Generation of Professional Historians |
Histories Part 3: Twentieth-Century Achievements and New Historical Approaches |
History and literature on trial |
History of Food |
History of Infant Feeding (from Tar Heel Junior Historian) |
History of the Dividing Line |
HMT Bedfordshire Memorial |
Hobbs, Allan Wilson |
Hobbs, Lewis Lyndon |
Hobbs, Mary Mendenhall |
Hobbs, R. J. M. |
Hobbs, Samuel Huntington, Jr. |
Hobgood, Franklin |
Hodge (Hodges), William |
Hodge, Abraham |
Hodges, Luther Hartwell |
Hodges, Martha Elizabeth Blakeney |