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Pilot Mountainin central Jackson County between Shoal Creek and Betsy Branch. Alt. 4,059.
Pilot MountainE Randolph County.
Pilot MountainSE Surry County. Alt. 2,700. The mountain is an isolated peak surviving from ancient mountains that have eroded away. The peak, classified as a monadnock, stands 1,500 ft. above the surrounding countryside; it served as a landmark for Indians and pioneer white settlers of the area. Appears as "Mt. Ararat or the Stonehead" on the Fry-Jefferson map, 1753, and as Mt. Ararat on the Collet map, 1770. The Price map, 1808, and subsequent maps show it with the present name. Called Jomeokee by the Indians, meaning "The Great Guide." The Devil's Den on Pilot Mountain is a small grotto from which a steady breeze blows at all times. See also Brushy Mountains.
Pilot MountainW Transylvania County S of Deep Gap. Alt. 5,151.
Pilot MountainS Wilkes County S of Hunting Creek.
Pilot Mountaintown in E Surry County. Alt. 1,100. Inc. 1889. Named for the nearby mountain.
Pilot Ridgecentral Madison County parallel to Teat Branch. Walnut Knob is on the S end of this ridge.
Pilot RidgeW Swain County in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, a spur of Welch Ridge extending SE from Cherry Gap to Pilot Knob, lat. 35°28'18" N., long. 83°35'37" W.
Pilot RockN Transylvania County between Dividing Ridge and Pilot Cove.
Pilot TownshipE Surry County.