North Carolina Gazetteer browse

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Pine CabbinSee Weaverville.
Pine Camp Branchrises in N Avery County and flows W into Tennessee, where it enters Elk River.
Pine Creekrises in W Jackson County and flows NE into Lake Thorpe.
Pine Gap Branchrises in W Swain County and flows NW into Hazel Creek.
Pine Grovecommunity in SE Craven County on Tucker Creek. Alt. 23.
Pine Hallcommunity in SE Stokes County. Named for the pine trees growing there.
Pine Hammocka tidal-marsh island approx. 1¼ mi. long in N Pamlico County.
Pine Hillmountain in the Cane Creek Mountains, S Alamance County.
Pine Knobon the Avery-Mitchell county line.
Pine Knobcentral Buncombe County between Rocky Knob and Jack Gap.