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Plain Viewcommunity in N Richmond County.
Plain View TownshipNW Sampson County.
Plainfieldcommunity in W Alleghany County served by post office, 1898-1908.
Plainviewcommunity in W Robeson County on the NW outskirts of Rowland, which see. McQueen's Store, a post office est. 1811 was in the vicinity. Name changed to Queensdale, which see, 1820, and operation continued until 1904.
Plank BridgeSee Camden.
Plank FordN Union County across Rocky River.
Plass GapS Macon County between Norton Branch and Middle Creek.
Plateautown in SW Catawba County. Inc. 1885 as Keeversville. Name changed, 1893. Long inactive in municipal affairs.
Play Rock Hillelevation in S Henderson County on Mud Creek.
Playercommunity in E Pender County between Shaken Creek and Northeast Cape Fear River.