North Carolina Gazetteer browse

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Pleasant Knobcentral Buncombe County W of Beaver Lake.
Pleasant Lodgecommunity in NE Randolph County.
Pleasant Plainscommunity in central Hertford County. A free black Baptist church said to have existed there as early as 1845.
Pleasant RidgeSee South Gastonia.
Pleasant Viewcrossroads community in N central Tyrrell County about 1½ mi. SW of community of Levels on S side of Riders Creek.
Pleasantscommunity in N Granville County served by post office, 1892-1903.
Pleasantvillecommunity in W Rockingham County served by post office, 1818-1904.
Pleasure Beachmodern promotional term for Carolina Beach, Kure Beach, and Fort Fisher, all in S New Hanover County. Area also takes in Carolina Beach State Park.
Pledger LandingN Tyrrell County on Albemarle Sound E of Lewis Point.
Plot KnobSW Clay County between the headwaters of Suddawig and Rocky Branches. Alt. 2,390.