Somerset | community in SE Chowan County served by post office, 1888-1903. |
Somerset | community in central Person County. Est. 1895-1900 as Pick's or Pick's Siding, where lumber was brought by tramroad to be transferred to the railroad. |
Somerset | plantation of Josiah Collins on Lake Phelps in Washington and Tyrrell Counties, developed between 1780 and 1788. At one time the plantation comprised more than 100,000 acres, 880 slaves, and about 20 buildings. The main house, Somerset Place, was built about 1830. The estate was abandoned and ruined before the end of the Civil War, and the property passed through various owners before it was sold at public auction in 1946. The state previously had purchased the mansion house and 16,628 acres in 1939. Somerset House has been restored and is open to the public as a State Historic Site. See also Pettigrew State Park. |
Somerset Canal | SE Washington County, drains the waters of Lake Phelps into Scuppernong River and forms a portion of the Washington-Tyrrell county line. The canal, built by slave labor in 1787 at a cost of $30,000, was 20 ft. wide, 6 ft. deep, and 6 mi. long. Known for almost a century as Collins Canal for Josiah Collins, the plantation owner. |
Somerton Creek | rises in Virginia and flows SW into NW Gates County, where it enters Chowan River. |
Somey Creek | See Sumey Creek. |
Sommey Creek | See Sumey Creek. |
Sonoma | community in S Haywood County served by post office, 1878-1905. |
Sophia | community in N Randolph County. Settled prior to 1779. Post office est. 1891. Probably named for Sophia Clement, local resident. Alt. 801. |
Soracte | See Sarecta. |